Interface Node

A network node with raw neo4j node


  • Node
    • Node


borderWidth?: number
borderWidthSelected?: number
brokenImage?: string
chosen?: boolean | NodeChosen
color?: string | Color
fixed?: boolean | {
    x?: boolean;
    y?: boolean;
font?: string | Font
group?: string
hidden?: boolean
icon?: {
    code?: string;
    color?: string;
    face?: string;
    size?: number;
    weight?: string | number;

Type declaration

  • Optional code?: string
  • Optional color?: string
  • Optional face?: string
  • Optional size?: number
  • Optional weight?: string | number
id?: IdType
image?: string | Image
imagePadding?: number | ImagePadding
label?: string
labelHighlightBold?: boolean
level?: number
margin?: {
    bottom?: number;
    left?: number;
    right?: number;
    top?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional bottom?: number
  • Optional left?: number
  • Optional right?: number
  • Optional top?: number
mass?: number
opacity?: number
physics?: boolean
raw: Node<NumberOrInteger, Properties>
scaling?: OptionsScaling
shadow?: boolean | OptionsShadow
shape?: string
shapeProperties?: {
    borderDashes?: boolean | number[];
    borderRadius?: number;
    coordinateOrigin?: string;
    interpolation?: boolean;
    useBorderWithImage?: boolean;
    useImageSize?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional borderDashes?: boolean | number[]
  • Optional borderRadius?: number
  • Optional coordinateOrigin?: string
  • Optional interpolation?: boolean
  • Optional useBorderWithImage?: boolean
  • Optional useImageSize?: boolean
size?: number
title?: string | HTMLElement
value?: number
widthConstraint?: number | boolean | {
    maximum?: number;
    minimum?: number;

If false, no widthConstraint is applied. If a number is specified, the minimum and maximum widths of the node are set to the value. The node's label's lines will be broken on spaces to stay below the maximum and the node's width will be set to the minimum if less than the value.

x?: number
y?: number

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