Interface LabelConfig

A mapper between neo4j node properties names to vis-network node config




[NEOVIS_ADVANCED_CONFIG]?: NeoVisAdvanceConfig<Node, Node<number, Properties>>

advance options which allow for: mapping static options to each node mapping cypher to run for each node to determine vis-network node option mapping function that gets the neo4j node and returns vis-network node option

borderWidth?: string
borderWidthSelected?: string
brokenImage?: string
chosen?: string | RecursiveMapTo<NodeChosen, string>
color?: string | RecursiveMapTo<Color, string>
fixed?: string | RecursiveMapTo<{
    x?: boolean;
    y?: boolean;
}, string>
font?: string | RecursiveMapTo<Font, string>
group?: string
hidden?: string
icon?: RecursiveMapTo<{
    code?: string;
    color?: string;
    face?: string;
    size?: number;
    weight?: string | number;
}, string>
id?: string
image?: string | RecursiveMapTo<Image, string>
imagePadding?: string | RecursiveMapTo<ImagePadding, string>
label?: string
labelHighlightBold?: string
level?: string
margin?: RecursiveMapTo<{
    bottom?: number;
    left?: number;
    right?: number;
    top?: number;
}, string>
mass?: string
opacity?: string
physics?: string
scaling?: RecursiveMapTo<OptionsScaling, string>
shadow?: string | RecursiveMapTo<OptionsShadow, string>
shape?: string
shapeProperties?: RecursiveMapTo<{
    borderDashes?: boolean | number[];
    borderRadius?: number;
    coordinateOrigin?: string;
    interpolation?: boolean;
    useBorderWithImage?: boolean;
    useImageSize?: boolean;
}, string>
size?: string
title?: string | RecursiveMapTo<HTMLElement, string>
value?: string
widthConstraint?: string | RecursiveMapTo<{
    maximum?: number;
    minimum?: number;
}, string>

If false, no widthConstraint is applied. If a number is specified, the minimum and maximum widths of the node are set to the value. The node's label's lines will be broken on spaces to stay below the maximum and the node's width will be set to the minimum if less than the value.

x?: string
y?: string

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