Class SortItem

All Implemented Interfaces:

@API(status=STABLE, since="1.0") public final class SortItem extends Object implements Visitable
A sort item can be used in an ORDER BY clause and changes the order of the items being returned from a query.
Gerrit Meier, Michael J. Simons
  • Method Details

    • ascending

      @NotNull @Contract(pure=true) public @NotNull SortItem ascending()
      Creates a new sort item from this instance, setting the sort direction to ascending.
      A new sort item.
    • descending

      @NotNull @Contract(pure=true) public @NotNull SortItem descending()
      Creates a new sort item from this instance, setting the sort direction to descending.
      A new sort item.
    • accept

      public void accept(Visitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: Visitable
      Accept a Visitor visiting this Visitable and its nested Visitables if applicable.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface Visitable
      visitor - the visitor to notify, must not be null.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from interface: Visitable
      Most visitables will render themselves into a Cypher fragment preceded with the actual classname. The representation however is not cached - in contrast to the ones for full statements. Using toString is recommended for debugging purposes mainly, and not for production use.

      The concrete classname has been prepended to help debugging and actually to discourage using fragments to build queries without explicitly rendering them, either as statement or going through the renderer on purpose.

      Specified by:
      toString in interface Visitable
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of this visitable formatted as Classname{cypher=value}