Source code for py2neo.matching

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2011-2021, Nigel Small
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The ``py2neo.matching`` module provides functionality to match nodes
and relationships according to certain criteria. For each entity type,
a ``Matcher`` class and a ``Match`` class are provided. The ``Matcher``
can be used to perform a basic selection, returning a ``Match`` that
itself can be evaluated or further refined.

The underlying query is only evaluated when the selection undergoes
iteration or when a specific evaluation method is called (such as
:meth:`.NodeMatch.first`). This means that a :class:`.NodeMatch`
object may be reused before and after data changes for different

__all__ = [


    "EQ", "EQUAL_TO",
    "NE", "NOT_EQUAL_TO",
    "LT", "LESS_THAN",



from py2neo.compat import Sequence, Set
from py2neo.cypher import cypher_escape, cypher_repr

class Predicate(object):

    def cast(cls, value):
        if value is None:
            return IsNull()
        elif isinstance(value, Predicate):
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, (tuple, set, frozenset)):
            return In(value)
            return EqualTo(value)

    def compile(self, key, _):
        return "", {}

class IsNull(Predicate):
    """ Null value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x IS NULL``.

    def compile(self, key, _):
        return "_.%s IS NULL" % cypher_escape(key), {}

class IsNotNull(Predicate):
    """ Non-null value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x IS NOT NULL``.

    def compile(self, key, _):
        return "_.%s IS NOT NULL" % cypher_escape(key), {}

class Predicate1(Predicate):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class EqualTo(Predicate1):
    """ Equal value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x = value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s = $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class NotEqualTo(Predicate1):
    """ Unequal value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x <> value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s <> $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class LessThan(Predicate1):
    """ Lesser value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x < value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s < $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class LessThanOrEqualTo(Predicate1):
    """ Lesser or equal value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x <= value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s <= $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class GreaterThan(Predicate1):
    """ Greater value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x > value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s > $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class GreaterThanOrEqualTo(Predicate1):
    """ Greater or equal value predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x >= value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s >= $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class StartsWith(Predicate1):
    """ String prefix predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``s STARTS WITH value``.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=STARTS_WITH("Kevin")).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1958, name='Kevin Bacon'),
         Node('Person', born=1957, name='Kevin Pollak')]


    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s STARTS WITH $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class EndsWith(Predicate1):
    """ String suffix predicate.

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``s ENDS WITH value``.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=ENDS_WITH("Wachowski")).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1967, name='Andy Wachowski'),
         Node('Person', born=1965, name='Lana Wachowski')]

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s ENDS WITH $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class Contains(Predicate1):
    """ Substring predicate.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=CONTAINS("eve")).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1967, name='Steve Zahn'),
         Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``s CONTAINS value``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s CONTAINS $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class Like(Predicate1):
    """ Regular expression matching predicate.
    The `regex` can be a string or an pre-existing compiled
    Python ``re`` pattern.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=LIKE("Ke.*n")).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1958, name='Kevin Bacon'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name='Kelly Preston')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``s =~ regex``.

    def __init__(self, regex):
            value = regex.pattern
        except AttributeError:
            value = regex
        super(Like, self).__init__(value)

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s =~ $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: self.value}

class In(Predicate1):
    """ List membership predicate.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", born=IN([1962, 1964, 1966])).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name='Demi Moore'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Kiefer Sutherland'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name='Anthony Edwards'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name='Kelly Preston'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='John Cusack'),
         Node('Person', born=1962, name="Rosie O'Donnell"),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Halle Berry'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Matthew Fox')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``x IN list``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        return "_.%s IN $`%s`" % (cypher_escape(key), i), {"%s" % i: list(self.value)}

class Connective(Predicate):

    def __init__(self, *values):
        self.values = tuple(map(Predicate.cast, values))

class And(Connective):
    """ Connective wherein all predicates must evaluate true.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", born=AND(GE(1964), LE(1966))).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1965, name='John C. Reilly'),
         Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves'),
         Node('Person', born=1965, name='Lana Wachowski'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Kiefer Sutherland'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='John Cusack'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Halle Berry'),
         Node('Person', born=1965, name='Tom Tykwer'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Matthew Fox')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``(pred1 AND pred2 AND ...)``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        predicates = []
        parameters = {}
        for j, value in enumerate(self.values, start=1):
            c, p = value.compile(key, "%s_%s" % (i, j))
        return "(%s)" % " AND ".join(predicates), parameters

class Or(Connective):
    """ Connective wherein at least one predicate must evaluate true.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=OR(STARTS_WITH("H"), ENDS_WITH("h"))).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1960, name='Hugo Weaving'),
         Node('Person', born=1943, name='J.T. Walsh'),
         Node('Person', born=1941, name='Jim Cash'),
         Node('Person', born=1963, name='Helen Hunt'),
         Node('Person', born=1950, name='Howard Deutch'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Halle Berry'),
         Node('Person', born=1985, name='Emile Hirsch')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``(pred1 OR pred2 OR ...)``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        predicates = []
        parameters = {}
        for j, value in enumerate(self.values, start=1):
            c, p = value.compile(key, "%s_%s" % (i, j))
        return "(%s)" % " OR ".join(predicates), parameters

class EitherOr(Connective):
    """ Connective wherein exactly one predicate must evaluate true.

        >>> nodes.match("Person", name=XOR(STARTS_WITH("H"), ENDS_WITH("h"))).all()
        [Node('Person', born=1960, name='Hugo Weaving'),
         Node('Person', born=1943, name='J.T. Walsh'),
         Node('Person', born=1941, name='Jim Cash'),
         Node('Person', born=1963, name='Helen Hunt'),
         Node('Person', born=1966, name='Halle Berry'),
         Node('Person', born=1985, name='Emile Hirsch')]

    This is equivalent to the Cypher expression ``(pred1 XOR pred2 XOR ...)``.

    def compile(self, key, i):
        predicates = []
        parameters = {}
        for j, value in enumerate(self.values, start=1):
            c, p = value.compile(key, "%s_%s" % (i, j))
        return "(%s)" % " XOR ".join(predicates), parameters

IS_NULL = IsNull

EQ = EQUAL_TO = EqualTo
NE = NOT_EQUAL_TO = NotEqualTo

LT = LESS_THAN = LessThan
GT = GREATER_THAN = GreaterThan

STARTS_WITH = StartsWith
ENDS_WITH = EndsWith
CONTAINS = Contains
LIKE = Like

IN = In

AND = And
OR = Or
XOR = EitherOr

def _property_predicates(properties, offset=1):
    for i, (key, value) in enumerate(properties.items(), start=offset):
        yield Predicate.cast(value).compile(key, i)

[docs] class NodeMatch(object): """ Immutable set of node selection criteria. .. describe:: iter(match) Iterate through all matching nodes. .. describe:: len(match) Return the number of nodes matched. """ def __init__(self, graph, labels=frozenset(), predicates=tuple(), order_by=tuple(), skip=None, limit=None): self.graph = graph self._labels = frozenset(labels) self._predicates = tuple(predicates) self._order_by = tuple(order_by) self._skip = skip self._limit = limit def __len__(self): """ Return the number of nodes matched. """ return self.graph.evaluate(*self._query_and_parameters(count=True)) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through all matching nodes. """ for record in*self._query_and_parameters()): yield record[0]
[docs] def all(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return a list of all matched :class:`.Node` objects. :return: list of matching :class:`.Node` objects *New in version 2020.0.* """ return list(self)
[docs] def count(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return a count of the number of matches. :return: number of nodes matched *New in version 2020.0.* """ return len(self)
[docs] def exists(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return :py:const:`True` if at least one matched node exists. :return: boolean indicating presence or absence of a match *New in version 2020.0.* """ return len(self) > 0
[docs] def first(self): """ Evaluate the match and return the first :class:`.Node` matched or :const:`None` if no matching nodes are found. :return: a single matching :class:`.Node` or :const:`None` """ return self.graph.evaluate(*self._query_and_parameters())
def _query_and_parameters(self, count=False): """ A tuple of the Cypher query and parameters used to select the nodes that match the criteria for this selection. :return: Cypher query string """ clauses = ["MATCH (_%s)" % "".join(":%s" % cypher_escape(label) for label in self._labels)] parameters = {} if self._predicates: predicates = [] for predicate in self._predicates: if isinstance(predicate, tuple): predicate, param = predicate parameters.update(param) predicates.append(predicate) clauses.append("WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(predicates)) if count: clauses.append("RETURN count(_)") else: clauses.append("RETURN _") if self._order_by: clauses.append("ORDER BY %s" % (", ".join(self._order_by))) if self._skip: clauses.append("SKIP %d" % self._skip) if self._limit is not None: clauses.append("LIMIT %d" % self._limit) return " ".join(clauses), parameters
[docs] def where(self, *predicates, **properties): """ Refine this match to create a new match. The criteria specified for refining the match consist of predicates and properties. Conditions are individual Cypher expressions that would be found in a `WHERE` clause; properties are used as exact matches for property values. To refer to the current node within a predicate expression, use the underscore character ``_``. For example:: match.where(" =~ 'J.*'") Simple property equalities can also be specified:: match.where(born=1976) :param predicates: Cypher expressions to add to the `WHERE` clause :param properties: exact property match keys and values :return: refined :class:`.NodeMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, self._labels, self._predicates + predicates + tuple(_property_predicates(properties)), self._order_by, self._skip, self._limit)
[docs] def order_by(self, *fields): """ Order by the fields or field expressions specified. To refer to the current node within a field or field expression, use the underscore character ``_``. For example:: match.order_by("", "max(_.a, _.b)") :param fields: fields or field expressions to order by :return: refined :class:`.NodeMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, self._labels, self._predicates, fields, self._skip, self._limit)
[docs] def skip(self, amount): """ Skip the first `amount` nodes in the result. :param amount: number of nodes to skip :return: refined :class:`.NodeMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, self._labels, self._predicates, self._order_by, amount, self._limit)
[docs] def limit(self, amount): """ Limit to at most `amount` nodes. :param amount: maximum number of nodes to return :return: refined :class:`.NodeMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, self._labels, self._predicates, self._order_by, self._skip, amount)
[docs] class NodeMatcher(object): """ Matcher for selecting nodes. A :class:`.NodeMatcher` can be used to locate nodes that fulfil a specific set of criteria. Typically, a single node can be identified passing a specific label and property key-value pair. However, any number of labels and predicates supported by the Cypher `WHERE` clause are allowed. For a simple equality match by label and property:: >>> from py2neo import Graph >>> from py2neo.matching import * >>> g = Graph() >>> nodes = NodeMatcher(g) >>> keanu = nodes.match("Person", name="Keanu Reeves").first() >>> keanu Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves') :param graph: :class:`.Graph` object on which to perform matches .. describe:: iter(matcher) Iterate through the matches, yielding the node ID for each one in turn. .. describe:: len(matcher) Count the matched nodes and return the number matched. .. describe:: node_id in matcher Determine whether a given node ID exists. .. describe:: matcher[node_id] Match and return a specific node by ID. This raises a :py:exc:`KeyError` if no such node can be found. """ _match_class = NodeMatch def __init__(self, graph): self.graph = graph def __iter__(self): for node in self.match(): yield node.identity def __len__(self): return len(self.match()) def __contains__(self, identity): return self.match().where("id(_) = %d" % identity).exists() def __getitem__(self, identity): """ Return a node by identity. """ entity = self.get(identity) if entity is None: raise KeyError("Node %d not found" % identity) return entity
[docs] def get(self, identity): """ Create a new :class:`.NodeMatch` that filters by identity and returns the first matched :class:`.Node`. This can be used to match and return a :class:`.Node` by ID. >>> matches.get(1234) Node('Person', name='Alice') If no such :class:`.Node` is found, :py:const:`None` is returned instead. Contrast with ``matcher[1234]`` which raises a :py:exc:`KeyError` if no entity is found. """ t = type(identity) if issubclass(t, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): matches = self.match().where("id(_) in %s" % cypher_repr(list(identity))) return t(matches) else: return self.match().where("id(_) = %d" % identity).first()
[docs] def match(self, *labels, **properties): """ Describe a basic node match using labels and property equality. :param labels: node labels to match :param properties: set of property keys and values to match :return: :class:`.NodeMatch` instance """ criteria = {} if labels: flat = [] for label in labels: if isinstance(label, tuple): flat.extend(label) else: flat.append(label) criteria["labels"] = frozenset(flat) if properties: criteria["predicates"] = tuple(_property_predicates(properties)) return self._match_class(self.graph, **criteria)
[docs] class RelationshipMatch(object): """ Immutable set of relationship selection criteria. .. describe:: iter(match) Iterate through all matching relationships. .. describe:: len(match) Return the number of relationships matched. """ def __init__(self, graph, nodes=None, r_type=None, predicates=tuple(), order_by=tuple(), skip=None, limit=None): if nodes is not None and not isinstance(nodes, (Sequence, Set)): raise ValueError("Nodes must be supplied as a Sequence or a Set") self.graph = graph self._nodes = nodes self._r_type = r_type self._predicates = tuple(predicates) self._order_by = tuple(order_by) self._skip = skip self._limit = limit def __len__(self): """ Return the number of relationships matched. """ return self.graph.evaluate(*self._query_and_parameters(count=True)) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through all matching relationships. """ query, parameters = self._query_and_parameters() for record in, parameters): yield record[0]
[docs] def all(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return a list of all matched :class:`.Relationship` objects. :return: list of matching :class:`.Relationship` objects *New in version 2020.0.* """ return list(self)
[docs] def count(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return a count of the number of matches. :return: number of relationships matched *New in version 2020.0.* """ return len(self)
[docs] def exists(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return :py:const:`True` if at least one matched relationship exists. :return: boolean indicating presence or absence of a match *New in version 2020.0.* """ return len(self) > 0
[docs] def first(self): """ Evaluate the selection and return the first :class:`.Relationship` selected or :const:`None` if no matching relationships are found. :return: a single matching :class:`.Relationship` or :const:`None` """ return self.graph.evaluate(*self._query_and_parameters())
def _query_and_parameters(self, count=False): """ A tuple of the Cypher query and parameters used to select the relationships that match the criteria for this selection. :return: Cypher query string """ def verify_node(n): if n.graph != self.graph: raise ValueError("Node %r does not belong to this graph" % n) if n.identity is None: raise ValueError("Node %r is not bound to a graph" % n) def r_type_name(r): try: return r.__name__ except AttributeError: return r clauses = [] parameters = {} if self._r_type is None: relationship_detail = "" elif isinstance(self._r_type, (tuple, list, Set)): relationship_detail = ":" + "|".join(cypher_escape(r_type_name(t)) for t in self._r_type) else: relationship_detail = ":%s" % cypher_escape(r_type_name(self._r_type)) if not self._nodes: clauses.append("MATCH (a)-[_" + relationship_detail + "]->(b)") elif isinstance(self._nodes, Sequence): if len(self._nodes) >= 1 and self._nodes[0] is not None: start_node = self._nodes[0] verify_node(start_node) clauses.append("MATCH (a) WHERE id(a) = $x") parameters["x"] = start_node.identity if len(self._nodes) >= 2 and self._nodes[1] is not None: end_node = self._nodes[1] verify_node(end_node) clauses.append("MATCH (b) WHERE id(b) = $y") parameters["y"] = end_node.identity if len(self._nodes) >= 3: raise ValueError("Node sequence cannot be longer than two") clauses.append("MATCH (a)-[_" + relationship_detail + "]->(b)") elif isinstance(self._nodes, Set): nodes = {node for node in self._nodes if node is not None} if len(nodes) >= 1: start_node = nodes.pop() verify_node(start_node) clauses.append("MATCH (a) WHERE id(a) = $x") parameters["x"] = start_node.identity if len(nodes) >= 1: end_node = nodes.pop() verify_node(end_node) clauses.append("MATCH (b) WHERE id(b) = $y") parameters["y"] = end_node.identity if len(nodes) >= 1: raise ValueError("Node set cannot be larger than two") clauses.append("MATCH (a)-[_" + relationship_detail + "]-(b)") else: raise ValueError("Nodes must be passed as a Sequence or a Set") if self._predicates: predicates = [] for predicate in self._predicates: if isinstance(predicate, tuple): predicate, param = predicate parameters.update(param) predicates.append(predicate) clauses.append("WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(predicates)) if count: clauses.append("RETURN count(_)") else: clauses.append("RETURN _") if self._order_by: clauses.append("ORDER BY %s" % (", ".join(self._order_by))) if self._skip: clauses.append("SKIP %d" % self._skip) if self._limit is not None: clauses.append("LIMIT %d" % self._limit) return " ".join(clauses), parameters
[docs] def where(self, *predicates, **properties): """ Refine this match to create a new match. The criteria specified for refining the match consist of predicates and properties. Conditions are individual Cypher expressions that would be found in a `WHERE` clause; properties are used as exact matches for property values. To refer to the current relationship within a predicate expression, use the underscore character ``_``. For example:: match.where("_.weight >= 30") Simple property equalities can also be specified:: match.where(since=1999) :param predicates: Cypher expressions to add to the `WHERE` clause :param properties: exact property match keys and values :return: refined :class:`.RelationshipMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, nodes=self._nodes, r_type=self._r_type, predicates=self._predicates + predicates + tuple(_property_predicates(properties)), order_by=self._order_by, skip=self._skip, limit=self._limit)
[docs] def order_by(self, *fields): """ Order by the fields or field expressions specified. To refer to the current relationship within a field or field expression, use the underscore character ``_``. For example:: match.order_by("_.weight", "max(_.a, _.b)") :param fields: fields or field expressions to order by :return: refined :class:`.RelationshipMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, nodes=self._nodes, r_type=self._r_type, predicates=self._predicates, order_by=fields, skip=self._skip, limit=self._limit)
[docs] def skip(self, amount): """ Skip the first `amount` relationships in the result. :param amount: number of relationships to skip :return: refined :class:`.RelationshipMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, nodes=self._nodes, r_type=self._r_type, predicates=self._predicates, order_by=self._order_by, skip=amount, limit=self._limit)
[docs] def limit(self, amount): """ Limit to at most `amount` relationships. :param amount: maximum number of relationships to return :return: refined :class:`.RelationshipMatch` object """ return self.__class__(self.graph, nodes=self._nodes, r_type=self._r_type, predicates=self._predicates, order_by=self._order_by, skip=self._skip, limit=amount)
[docs] class RelationshipMatcher(object): """ Matcher for selecting relationships that fulfil a specific set of criteria. :param graph: :class:`.Graph` object on which to perform matches .. describe:: iter(matcher) Iterate through the matches, yielding the relationship ID for each one in turn. .. describe:: len(matcher) Count the matched relationships and return the number matched. .. describe:: relationship_id in matcher Determine whether a given relationship ID exists. .. describe:: matcher[relationship_id] Match and return a specific relationship by ID. This raises a :exc:`KeyError` if no such relationship can be found. """ _match_class = RelationshipMatch def __init__(self, graph): self.graph = graph def __iter__(self): for relationship in self.match(): yield relationship.identity def __len__(self): return len(self.match()) def __contains__(self, identity): return self.match().where("id(_) = %d" % identity).exists() def __getitem__(self, identity): """ Return a relationship by identity. """ entity = self.get(identity) if entity is None: raise KeyError("Relationship %d not found" % identity) return entity
[docs] def get(self, identity): """ Create a new :class:`.RelationshipMatch` that filters by identity and returns the first matched :class:`.Relationship`. This can be used to match and return a :class:`.Relationship` by ID. >>> relationships.get(1234) Relationship(...) If no such :class:`.Relationship` is found, :py:const:`None` is returned instead. Contrast with `matcher[1234]` which raises a :py:exc:`KeyError` if no entity is found. """ t = type(identity) if issubclass(t, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): matches = self.match().where("id(_) in %s" % cypher_repr(list(identity))) return t(matches) else: return self.match().where("id(_) = %d" % identity).first()
[docs] def match(self, nodes=None, r_type=None, **properties): """ Describe a basic relationship match using start and end nodes plus relationship type. :param nodes: Sequence or Set of start and end nodes (:const:`None` means any node); a Set implies a match in any direction :param r_type: :param properties: set of property keys and values to match :return: :class:`.RelationshipMatch` instance """ criteria = {} if nodes is not None: criteria["nodes"] = nodes if r_type is not None: criteria["r_type"] = r_type if properties: criteria["predicates"] = tuple(_property_predicates(properties)) return self._match_class(self.graph, **criteria)