Source code for py2neo.cypher

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2011-2021, Nigel Small
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = [

from functools import reduce
from io import StringIO
from operator import xor as xor_operator

from py2neo.cypher.encoding import CypherEncoder
from py2neo.compat import Mapping, string_types, unicode_types, ustr

[docs] class Cursor(object): """ A `Cursor` is a navigator for a stream of records. A cursor can be thought of as a window onto an underlying data stream. All cursors in py2neo are "forward-only", meaning that navigation starts before the first record and may proceed only in a forward direction. It is not generally necessary for application code to instantiate a cursor directly as one will be returned by any Cypher execution method. However, cursor creation requires only a :class:`.DataSource` object which contains the logic for how to access the source data that the cursor navigates. Many simple cursor use cases require only the :meth:`.forward` method and the :attr:`.current` attribute. To navigate through all available records, a `while` loop can be used:: while cursor.forward(): print(cursor.current["name"]) If only the first record is of interest, a similar `if` structure will do the job:: if cursor.forward(): print(cursor.current["name"]) To combine `forward` and `current` into a single step, use the built-in py:func:`next` function:: print(next(cursor)["name"]) Cursors are also iterable, so can be used in a loop:: for record in cursor: print(record["name"]) For queries that are expected to return only a single value within a single record, use the :meth:`.evaluate` method. This will return the first value from the next record or :py:const:`None` if neither the field nor the record are present:: print(cursor.evaluate()) """ def __init__(self, result, hydrant=None, sample_size=3): self._result = result self._fields = self._result.fields() self._hydrant = hydrant self._current = None self.sample_size = sample_size def __repr__(self): preview = self.preview() if preview: return repr(preview) else: return "(No data)" def _repr_html_(self): preview = self.preview() if preview: s = StringIO() preview.write_html(file=s, header=True) return s.getvalue() else: return "(No data)" def __next__(self): if self.forward(): return self._current else: raise StopIteration() # Exists only for Python 2 iteration compatibility next = __next__ def __iter__(self): while self.forward(): yield self._current def __getitem__(self, key): return self._current[key] @property def profile(self): return self._result.profile @property def current(self): """ Returns the current record or :py:const:`None` if no record has yet been selected. """ return self._current @property def closed(self): return self._result.offline
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return the field names for the records in the stream. """ return self._fields
[docs] def summary(self): """ Return the result summary. """ return self._result.summary()
[docs] def plan(self): """ Return the execution plan returned by this query, if any. """ metadata = self._result.summary() try: return metadata["plan"] except KeyError: try: return metadata["profile"] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def stats(self): """ Return the execution statistics for this query. This contains details of the activity undertaken by the database kernel for the query, such as the number of entities created or deleted. >>> from py2neo import Graph >>> g = Graph() >>>"CREATE (a:Person) SET = 'Alice'").stats() {'labels_added': 1, 'nodes_created': 1, 'properties_set': 1} """ metadata = self._result.summary() stats = {} for key, value in metadata.get("stats", {}).items(): key = key.replace("-", "_") if key.startswith("relationship_"): # hack for server bug key = "relationships_" + key[13:] stats[key] = value return stats
[docs] def forward(self, amount=1): """ Attempt to move the cursor one position forward (or by another amount if explicitly specified). The cursor will move position by up to, but never more than, the amount specified. If not enough scope for movement remains, only that remainder will be consumed. The total amount moved is returned. :param amount: the amount to move the cursor :returns: the amount that the cursor was able to move """ if amount == 0: return 0 if amount < 0: raise ValueError("Cursor can only move forwards") amount = int(amount) moved = 0 while moved != amount: values = self._result.take() if values is None: break if self._hydrant: values = self._hydrant.hydrate_list(values) self._current = Record(self._fields, values) moved += 1 return moved
[docs] def preview(self, limit=None): """ Construct a :class:`.Table` containing a preview of upcoming records, including no more than the given `limit`. :param limit: maximum number of records to include in the preview :returns: :class:`.Table` containing the previewed records """ from py2neo.integration import Table if not limit: limit = self.sample_size elif limit < 0: raise ValueError("Illegal preview size") else: limit = int(limit) records = [] if self._fields: for values in self._result.peek(limit): if self._hydrant: values = self._hydrant.hydrate_list(values) records.append(values) return Table(records, self._fields) else: return None
[docs] def evaluate(self, field=0): """ Return the value of the first field from the next record (or the value of another field if explicitly specified). This method attempts to move the cursor one step forward and, if successful, selects and returns an individual value from the new current record. By default, this value will be taken from the first value in that record but this can be overridden with the `field` argument, which can represent either a positional index or a textual key. If the cursor cannot be moved forward or if the record contains no values, :py:const:`None` will be returned instead. This method is particularly useful when it is known that a Cypher query returns only a single value. :param field: field to select value from (optional) :returns: value of the field or :py:const:`None` Example: >>> from py2neo import Graph >>> g = Graph() >>>"MATCH (a) WHERE$x RETURN", x="").evaluate() 'Bob Robertson' """ if self.forward(): try: return self[field] except IndexError: return None else: return None
[docs] def data(self, *keys): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a list of dictionaries. :: >>> from py2neo import Graph >>> graph = Graph() >>>"MATCH (a:Person) RETURN, a.born LIMIT 4").data() [{'a.born': 1964, '': 'Keanu Reeves'}, {'a.born': 1967, '': 'Carrie-Anne Moss'}, {'a.born': 1961, '': 'Laurence Fishburne'}, {'a.born': 1960, '': 'Hugo Weaving'}] :param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none are provided, all values will be included :returns: list of dictionary of values, keyed by field name :raises IndexError: if an out-of-bounds index is specified """ return [*keys) for record in self]
[docs] def to_table(self): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a :class:`.Table` object. :return: the full query result """ from py2neo.integration import Table return Table(self)
[docs] def to_subgraph(self): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a :class:`.Subgraph` containing the union of all the graph structures within. :return: :class:`.Subgraph` object """ s = None for record in self: s_ = record.to_subgraph() if s_ is not None: if s is None: s = s_ else: s = s | s_ return s
[docs] def to_ndarray(self, dtype=None, order='K'): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a `numpy.ndarray <>`_. .. note:: This method requires `numpy` to be installed. :param dtype: :param order: :warns: If `numpy` is not installed :returns: `ndarray <>`__ object. """ from py2neo.integration.numpy import cursor_to_ndarray return cursor_to_ndarray(self, dtype, order)
[docs] def to_series(self, field=0, index=None, dtype=None): """ Consume and extract one field of the entire result as a `pandas.Series <>`_. .. note:: This method requires `pandas` to be installed. :param field: :param index: :param dtype: :warns: If `pandas` is not installed :returns: `Series <>`__ object. """ from py2neo.integration.pandas import cursor_to_series return cursor_to_series(self, field, index, dtype)
[docs] def to_data_frame(self, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a `pandas.DataFrame <>`_. :: >>> from py2neo import Graph >>> graph = Graph() >>>"MATCH (a:Person) RETURN, a.born LIMIT 4").to_data_frame() a.born 0 1964 Keanu Reeves 1 1967 Carrie-Anne Moss 2 1961 Laurence Fishburne 3 1960 Hugo Weaving .. note:: This method requires `pandas` to be installed. :param index: Index to use for resulting frame. :param columns: Column labels to use for resulting frame. :param dtype: Data type to force. :warns: If `pandas` is not installed :returns: `DataFrame <>`__ object. """ from py2neo.integration.pandas import cursor_to_data_frame return cursor_to_data_frame(self, index, columns, dtype)
[docs] def to_matrix(self, mutable=False): """ Consume and extract the entire result as a `sympy.Matrix <>`_. .. note:: This method requires `sympy` to be installed. :param mutable: :returns: `Matrix <>`_ object. """ from py2neo.integration.sympy import cursor_to_matrix return cursor_to_matrix(self, mutable)
[docs] class Record(tuple, Mapping): """ A :class:`.Record` object holds an ordered, keyed collection of values. It is in many ways similar to a :class:`namedtuple` but allows field access only through bracketed syntax, and provides more functionality. :class:`.Record` extends both :class:`tuple` and :class:`Mapping`. .. describe:: record[index] record[key] Return the value of *record* with the specified *key* or *index*. .. describe:: len(record) Return the number of fields in *record*. .. describe:: dict(record) Return a `dict` representation of *record*. """ __keys = None def __new__(cls, keys, values): inst = tuple.__new__(cls, values) inst.__keys = keys return inst def __repr__(self): return "Record({%s})" % ", ".join("%r: %r" % (field, self[i]) for i, field in enumerate(self.__keys)) def __str__(self): return "\t".join(map(repr, (self[i] for i, _ in enumerate(self.__keys)))) def __eq__(self, other): return dict(self) == dict(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return reduce(xor_operator, map(hash, self.items())) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): keys = self.__keys[key] values = super(Record, self).__getitem__(key) return self.__class__(zip(keys, values)) index = self.index(key) if 0 <= index < len(self): return super(Record, self).__getitem__(index) else: return None def __getslice__(self, start, stop): key = slice(start, stop) keys = self.__keys[key] values = tuple(self)[key] return self.__class__(zip(keys, values))
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Obtain a single value from the record by index or key. If the specified item does not exist, the default value is returned. :param key: index or key :param default: default value to be returned if `key` does not exist :return: selected value """ try: index = self.__keys.index(ustr(key)) except ValueError: return default if 0 <= index < len(self): return super(Record, self).__getitem__(index) else: return default
[docs] def index(self, key): """ Return the index of the given item. """ from six import integer_types, string_types if isinstance(key, integer_types): if 0 <= key < len(self.__keys): return key raise IndexError(key) elif isinstance(key, string_types): try: return self.__keys.index(key) except ValueError: raise KeyError(key) else: raise TypeError(key)
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return the keys of the record. :return: list of key names """ return list(self.__keys)
[docs] def values(self, *keys): """ Return the values of the record, optionally filtering to include only certain values by index or key. :param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none are provided, all values will be included :return: list of values """ if keys: d = [] for key in keys: try: i = self.index(key) except KeyError: d.append(None) else: d.append(self[i]) return d return list(self)
[docs] def items(self, *keys): """ Return the fields of the record as a list of key and value tuples :param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none are provided, all values will be included :return: list of (key, value) tuples """ if keys: d = [] for key in keys: try: i = self.index(key) except KeyError: d.append((key, None)) else: d.append((self.__keys[i], self[i])) return d return list((self.__keys[i], super(Record, self).__getitem__(i)) for i in range(len(self)))
[docs] def data(self, *keys): """ Return the keys and values of this record as a dictionary, optionally including only certain values by index or key. Keys provided that do not exist within the record will be included but with a value of :py:const:`None`; indexes provided that are out of bounds will trigger an :exc:`IndexError`. :param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none are provided, all values will be included :return: dictionary of values, keyed by field name :raises: :exc:`IndexError` if an out-of-bounds index is specified """ if keys: d = {} for key in keys: try: i = self.index(key) except KeyError: d[key] = None else: d[self.__keys[i]] = self[i] return d return dict(self)
[docs] def to_subgraph(self): """ Return a :class:`.Subgraph` containing the union of all the graph structures within this :class:`.Record`. :return: :class:`.Subgraph` object """ from import Subgraph s = None for value in self.values(): if isinstance(value, Subgraph): if s is None: s = value else: s = s | value return s
class CypherExpression(object): def __init__(self, value): self.__value = value @property def value(self): return self.__value
[docs] def cypher_escape(identifier): """ Return a Cypher identifier, with escaping if required. Simple Cypher identifiers, which just contain alphanumerics and underscores, can be represented as-is in expressions. Any which contain more esoteric characters, such as spaces or punctuation, must be escaped in backticks. Backticks themselves are escaped by doubling. :: >>> cypher_escape("simple_identifier") 'simple_identifier' >>> cypher_escape("identifier with spaces") '`identifier with spaces`' >>> cypher_escape("identifier with `backticks`") '`identifier with ``backticks```' Identifiers are used in Cypher to denote named values, labels, relationship types and property keys. This function will typically be used to construct dynamic Cypher queries in places where parameters cannot be used. >>> "MATCH (a:{label}) RETURN id(a)".format(label=cypher_escape("Employee of the Month")) 'MATCH (a:`Employee of the Month`) RETURN id(a)' :param identifier: any non-empty string """ if not isinstance(identifier, string_types): raise TypeError(type(identifier).__name__) encoder = CypherEncoder() return encoder.encode_key(identifier)
[docs] def cypher_join(*clauses, **parameters): """ Join multiple Cypher clauses, returning a (query, parameters) tuple. Each clause may either be a simple string query or a (query, parameters) tuple. Additional `parameters` may also be supplied as keyword arguments. :param clauses: :param parameters: :return: (query, parameters) tuple """ query = [] params = {} for clause in clauses: if clause is None: continue if isinstance(clause, tuple): try: q, p = clause except ValueError: raise ValueError("Expected query or (query, parameters) tuple " "for clause %r" % clause) else: q = clause p = None query.append(q) if p: params.update(p) params.update(parameters) return "\n".join(query), params
[docs] def cypher_repr(value, **kwargs): """ Return the Cypher representation of a value. This function attempts to convert the supplied value into a Cypher literal form, as used in expressions. """ encoder = CypherEncoder(**kwargs) return encoder.encode_value(value)
[docs] def cypher_str(value, **kwargs): """ Convert a Cypher value to a Python Unicode string. This function converts the supplied value into a string form, as used for human-readable output. This is generally identical to :meth:`.cypher_repr` except for with string values, which are returned as-is, instead of being enclosed in quotes with certain characters escaped. """ if isinstance(value, unicode_types): return value elif isinstance(value, string_types): return value.decode(kwargs.get("encoding", "utf-8")) else: return cypher_repr(value, **kwargs)