10.3. Collection Functions

APOC has a wide variety of Collection and List functions.


sum of all values in a list


avg of all values in a list


minimum of all values in a list


maximum of all values in a list


sums all numeric values in a list


partitions a list into sublists of batchSize


all values in a list

apoc.coll.pairs([1,2,3]) YIELD value


apoc.coll.pairsMin([1,2,3]) YIELD value



returns a unique list backed by a set


sort on Collections

apoc.coll.sortNodes([nodes], 'name')

sort nodes by property, ascending sorting by adding ^ in front of the sorting field

apoc.coll.sortMaps([maps], 'key')

sort maps by map key, ascending sorting by adding ^ in front of the sorting field


returns the reversed list

apoc.coll.contains(coll, value)

returns true if collection contains the value

apoc.coll.containsAll(coll, values)

optimized contains-all operation (using a HashSet) returns true or false

apoc.coll.containsSorted(coll, value)

optimized contains on a sorted list operation (Collections.binarySearch) (returns true or false)

apoc.coll.containsAllSorted(coll, value)

optimized contains-all on a sorted list operation (Collections.binarySearch) (returns true or false)

apoc.coll.union(first, second)

creates the distinct union of the 2 lists

apoc.coll.subtract(first, second)

returns unique set of first list with all elements of second list removed

apoc.coll.removeAll(first, second)

returns first list with all elements of second list removed

apoc.coll.intersection(first, second)

returns the unique intersection of the two lists

apoc.coll.disjunction(first, second)

returns the disjunct set of the two lists

apoc.coll.unionAll(first, second)

creates the full union with duplicates of the two lists


splits collection on given values rows of lists, value itself will not be part of resulting lists

apoc.coll.indexOf(coll, value)

position of value in the list


returns the shuffled list


returns a random item from the list

apoc.coll.randomItems(coll, itemCount, allowRepick: false)

returns a list of itemCount random items from the list, optionally allowing picked elements to be picked again


returns true if a collection contains duplicate elements


returns a list of duplicate items in the collection


returns a list of duplicate items in the collection and their count, keyed by item and count (e.g., [{item: xyz, count:2}, {item:zyx, count:5}])

apoc.coll.occurrences(coll, item)

returns the count of the given item in the collection


returns a list of frequencies of the items in the collection, keyed by item and count (e.g., [{item: xyz, count:2}, {item:zyx, count:5}, {item:abc, count:1}])


return a map of frequencies of the items in the collection, keyed by item and count (e.g., {1: 2, 3: 2})


sort list of maps by several sort fields (ascending with ^ prefix) and optionally applies limit and skip


flattens a nested list

apoc.coll.combinations(coll, minSelect, maxSelect:minSelect)

Returns collection of all combinations of list elements of selection size between minSelect and maxSelect (default:minSelect), inclusive

CALL apoc.coll.elements(list,limit,offset) yield _1,_2,..,_10,_1s,_2i,_3f,_4m,_5l,_6n,_7r,_8p

deconstruct subset of mixed list into identifiers of the correct type

apoc.coll.set(coll, index, value)

set index to value

apoc.coll.insert(coll, index, value)

insert value at index

apoc.coll.insertAll(coll, index, values)

insert values at index

apoc.coll.remove(coll, index, [length=1])

remove range of values from index to length


returns true if value are different