8.7. Load LDAP

With 'apoc.load.ldap' you can execute queries on any LDAP v3 enabled directory, the results are turned into a streams of entries. The entries can then be used to update or create graph structures.

Note this utility requires to have the jldap library to be placed the plugin directory.

procedure apoc.load.jdbcParams deprecated - please use: apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','',[params]) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a sql statement with parameters

8.7.1. Parameters

Parameter Property  Description



the ldapserver:port if port is omitted the default port 389 will be used



This is the dn of the ldap server user who has read access on the ldap server



This is the password used by the loginDN



From this entry a search is executed



SCOPE_ONE (one level) or SCOPE_SUB (all sub levels) or SCOPE_BASE (only the base node)



Place here a standard ldap search filter for example: (objectClass=*) means that the ldap entry must have an objectClass attribute.



optional. If omitted all the attributes of the entries will be returned. When specified only the specified attributes will be returned. Regardless the attributes setting a returned entry will always have a "dn" property. Load LDAP Example

Retrieve group member information from the ldap server. 

call apoc.load.ldap({ldapHost : "ldap.forumsys.com", loginDN : "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com", loginPW : "password"},
{searchBase : "dc=example,dc=com",searchScope : "SCOPE_SUB"
,attributes : ["uniqueMember","cn","uid","objectClass"]
,searchFilter: "(&(objectClass=*)(uniqueMember=*))"}) yield entry
return entry.dn,  entry.uniqueMember

entry.dn entry.uniqueMember


["uid=euclid,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=riemann,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=euler,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=gauss,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=test,dc=example,dc=com"]









Retrieve group member information from the ldap server and create structure in Neo4j. 

call apoc.load.ldap({ldapHost : "ldap.forumsys.com", loginDN : "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com", loginPW : "password"},
{searchBase : "dc=example,dc=com",searchScope : "SCOPE_SUB"
,attributes : ["uniqueMember","cn","uid","objectClass"]
,searchFilter: "(&(objectClass=*)(uniqueMember=*))"}) yield entry
merge (g:Group {dn : entry.dn})
on create set g.cn = entry.cn
foreach (member in entry.uniqueMember |
  merge (p:Person { dn : member })
  merge (p)-[:IS_MEMBER]->(g)
--- Credentials

To protect credentials, you can configure aliases in conf/neo4j.conf:

neo4j.conf Syntax. 

apoc.loadldap.myldap.config=<host>:<port> <loginDN> <loginPW>


apoc.loadldap.myldap.config=ldap.forumsys.com:389 cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com password


call apoc.load.ldap({ldapHost : "ldap.forumsys.com", loginDN : "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com", loginPW : "password"}
, {searchBase : "dc=example,dc=com"
  ,searchScope : "SCOPE_SUB"
  ,attributes : ["cn","uid","objectClass"]
  ,searchFilter: "(&(objectClass=*))"
  }) yield entry
return entry.dn,  entry


call apoc.load.ldap("myldap"
,{searchBase : "dc=example,dc=com"
 ,searchScope : "SCOPE_SUB"
 ,attributes : ["cn","uid","objectClass"]
 ,searchFilter: "(&(objectClass=*))"
 }) yield entry
return entry.dn,  entry