13.2. Job management and periodic execution

13.2.1. Introduction asynchronous transactional execution

Cypher is great for querying graphs and importing and updating graph structures. While during imports you can use PERIODIC COMMIT to control transaction sizes in memory, for other graph refactorings it’s not that easy to commit transactions regularly to free memory for new update state.

Also sometimes you want to schedule execution of Cypher statements to run regularly in the background or asynchronously ("fire & forget").

This can also be useful in cloud environments that limit the runtime of statements (e.g. to 2 or 5 minutes) by scheduling execution in the background.

The apoc.periodic.* procedures provide such capabilities.

13.2.2. Overview Job Management

CALL apoc.periodic.commit(statement, params)

repeats an batch update statement until it returns 0, this procedure is blocking

CALL apoc.periodic.list()

list all jobs

CALL apoc.periodic.submit('name',statement)

submit a one-off background statement

CALL apoc.periodic.schedule('name',statement,repeat-time-in-seconds)

submit a repeatedly-called background statement

CALL apoc.periodic.countdown('name',statement,delay-in-seconds)

submit a repeatedly-called background statement until it returns 0

CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll(statementIteration, statementAction, batchSize) YIELD batches, total

iterate over first statement and apply action statement with given transaction batch size. Returns to numeric values holding the number of batches and the number of total processed rows. E.g.

  • there are also static methods Jobs.submit, and Jobs.schedule to be used from other procedures
  • jobs list is checked / cleared every 10s for finished jobs

copies over the name property of each person to lastname

CALL apoc.periodic.rock_n_roll('match (p:Person) return id(p) as id_p', 'MATCH (p) where id(p)={id_p} SET p.lastname =p.name', 20000)

Many procedures run in the background or asynchronously. This setting overrides the default thread pool size (processors*2).


Many periodic procedures rely on a scheduled executor that has a pool of threads with a default fixed size (processors/4, at least 1). You can configure the pool size using the following configuration property:
