16.2. Triggers

16.2.1. Triggers

In a trigger you register Cypher statements that are called when data in Neo4j is changed (created, updated, deleted). You can run them before or after commit.

Enable apoc.trigger.enabled=true in $NEO4J_HOME/config/neo4j.conf first.

CALL apoc.trigger.add(name, statement, selector) yield name, statement, installed

add a trigger statement under a name, in the statement you can use {createdNodes}, {deletedNodes} etc., the selector is {phase:'before/after/rollback'} returns previous and new trigger information

CALL apoc.trigger.remove(name) yield name, statement, installed

remove previously added trigger, returns trigger information

CALL apoc.trigger.removeAll() yield name, statement, installed

removes all previously added triggers , returns trigger information

CALL apoc.trigger.list() yield name, statement, installed

update and list all installed triggers

CALL apoc.trigger.pause(name)

it pauses the trigger

CALL apoc.trigger.resume(name)

it resumes the paused trigger

The transaction data from Neo4j is turned into appropriate data structures to be consumed as parameters to your statement.

The parameters available are:

Statement Description


returns the id of the transaction


return the date of the transaction in milliseconds


when a node is created our trigger fires (list of nodes)


when a relationship is created our trigger fires (list of relationships)


when a node is delated our trigger fires (list of nodes)


when a relationship is delated our trigger fires (list of relationships)


when a label is removed our trigger fires (map of label to list of nodes)


when a properties of node is removed our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,node)


when a properties of relationship is removed our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,relationship)


when a labes is assigned our trigger fires (map of label to list of nodes)


when node property is assigned our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,new,node)


when relationship property is assigned our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,new,relationship)

You can use these helper functions to extract nodes or relationships by label/relationship-type or updated property key.

Table 16.1. Helper Functions


function to filter labelEntries by label, to be used within a trigger statement with {assignedLabels} and {removedLabels} {phase:'before/after/rollback'} returns previous and new trigger information


function to filter propertyEntries by property-key, to be used within a trigger statement with {assignedNode/RelationshipProperties} and {removedNode/RelationshipProperties}. Returns [{old,[new],key,node,relationship}] Triggers Examples

Set properties connected to a node. We could add a trigger that when is added a specific property on a node, that property is added to all the nodes connected to this node


CREATE (d:Person {name:'Daniel'})
CREATE (l:Person {name:'Mary'})
CREATE (t:Person {name:'Tom'})
CREATE (j:Person {name:'John'})
CREATE (m:Person {name:'Michael'})
CREATE (a:Person {name:'Anne'})
CREATE (t)-[:SON_OF]->(d)
CREATE (t)-[:BROTHER]->(j)
CREATE (a)-[:WIFE_OF]->(d)
CREATE (d)-[:SON_OF]->(m)
CREATE (j)-[:SON_OF]->(d)

Now we add the trigger using apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey on the surname property

CALL apoc.trigger.add('setAllConnectedNodes','UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey({assignedNodeProperties},"surname") as prop
WITH prop.node as n
SET a.surname = n.surname', {phase:'after'});

So when we add the surname property on a node, it’s added to all the nodes connected (in this case one level deep)

MATCH (d:Person {name:'Daniel'})
SET d.surname = 'William'

The surname property is add/change on all related nodes

Update labels. Dataset

CREATE (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
CREATE (l:Actor {name:'Laurence Fishburne'})
CREATE (c:Actor {name:'Carrie-Anne Moss'})
CREATE (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
CREATE (k)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)
CREATE (l)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)
CREATE (c)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)

We add a trigger using apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel that when the label Actor of a node is removed, update all labels Actor with Person

CALL apoc.trigger.add('updateLabels',"UNWIND apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel({removedLabels},'Actor') AS node
MATCH (n:Actor)
REMOVE n:Actor SET n:Person SET node:Person", {phase:'before'})
MATCH(k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
REMOVE k:Actor

Create relationship on a new node. We can add a trigger that connect every new node with label Actor and as name property a specific value

CALL apoc.trigger.add('create-rel-new-node',"UNWIND {createdNodes} AS n
MATCH (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
WHERE n:Actor AND n.name IN ['Keanu Reeves','Laurence Fishburne','Carrie-Anne Moss']
CREATE (n)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)", {phase:'before'})
CREATE (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
CREATE (l:Actor {name:'Laurence Fishburne'})
CREATE (c:Actor {name:'Carrie-Anne Moss'})
CREATE (a:Actor {name:'Tom Hanks'})
CREATE (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
apoc.trigger.add.create rel new node

Pause trigger. We have the possibility to pause a trigger without remove it, if we will need it in the future


Resume paused trigger. When you need again of a trigger paused


Enforcing property type. For this example, we would like that all the reference node properties are of type STRING

CALL apoc.trigger.add("forceStringType",
"UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey({assignedNodeProperties}, 'reference') AS prop
CALL apoc.util.validate(apoc.meta.type(prop) <> 'STRING', 'expected string property type, got %s', [apoc.meta.type(prop)]) RETURN null", {phase:'before'})
CREATE (a:Node) SET a.reference = 1


Other examples. 

CALL apoc.trigger.add('timestamp','UNWIND {createdNodes} AS n SET n.ts = timestamp()');
CALL apoc.trigger.add('lowercase','UNWIND {createdNodes} AS n SET n.id = toLower(n.name)');
CALL apoc.trigger.add('txInfo',   'UNWIND {createdNodes} AS n SET n.txId = {transactionId}, n.txTime = {commitTime}', {phase:'after'});
CALL apoc.trigger.add('count-removed-rels','MATCH (c:Counter) SET c.count = c.count + size([r IN {deletedRelationships} WHERE type(r) = "X"])')
CALL apoc.trigger.add('lowercase-by-label','UNWIND apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel({assignedLabels},'Person') AS n SET n.id = toLower(n.name)')