Utility to find nodes in parallel (if possible). These procedures return a single list of nodes or a list of 'reduced' records with node id, labels, and the properties where the search was executed upon.
A distinct set of Nodes will be returned. |
All the found Nodes will be returned. |
A merged set of 'minimal' Node information will be returned. One record per node (-id). |
All the found 'minimal' Node information will be returned. One record per label and property. |
(JSON or Map) For every Label-Property combination a search will be executed in parallel (if possible): Label1.propertyOne, label2.propOne and label2.propTwo. |
'exact' or 'contains' or 'starts with' or 'ends with' |
Case insensitive string search operators |
"<", ">", "=", "<>", "⇐", ">=", "=~" |
Operators |
'Keanu' |
The actual search term (string, number, etc). |
CALL apoc.search.nodeAll('{Person: "name",Movie: ["title","tagline"]}','contains','her') YIELD node AS n RETURN n
call apoc.search.nodeReduced({Person: 'born', Movie: ['released']},'>',2000) yield id, labels, properties RETURN *