15.1. Clone nodes

We create a dataset

CREATE (f:Foo{name:'Foo'}),(b:Bar{name:'Bar'})

As result we have two nodes

MATCH (f:Foo{name:'Foo'}),(b:Bar{name:'Bar'}) WITH f,b
CALL apoc.refactor.cloneNodes([f,b]) yield input, output RETURN *

As result we have the two nodes that we have created before and their clones


Clone nodes with relationship. We create a dataset of two different nodes of type Actor connected with other two different node of type Movie

CREATE (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})-[:ACTED_IN {role:'Neo'}]->(m:Movie {title:'The Matrix'}),
	   (t:Actor {name:'Tom Hanks'})-[:ACTED_IN {role:'Forrest'}]->(f:Movie {title:'Forrest Gump'}) RETURN *
MATCH (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'}), (t:Actor {name:'Tom Hanks'})
CALL apoc.refactor.cloneNodesWithRelationships([k,t]) YIELD input, output RETURN *

As result we have a copy of the nodes and relationships
