8.5. Interacting with Couchbase

CALL apoc.couchbase.get(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Retrieves a couchbase json document by its unique ID

CALL apoc.couchbase.exists(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield value

Check whether a couchbase json document with the given ID does exist

CALL apoc.couchbase.insert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Insert a couchbase json document with its unique ID

CALL apoc.couchbase.upsert(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Insert or overwrite a couchbase json document with its unique ID

CALL apoc.couchbase.append(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Append a couchbase json document to an existing one

CALL apoc.couchbase.prepend(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Prepend a couchbase json document to an existing one

CALL apoc.couchbase.remove(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Remove the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID

CALL apoc.couchbase.replace(hostOrKey, bucket, documentId, jsonDocument) yield id, expiry, cas, mutationToken, content

Replace the content of the couchbase json document identified by its unique ID.

CALL apoc.couchbase.query(hostOrKey, bucket, statement) yield queryResult

Executes a plain un-parameterized N1QL statement.

CALL apoc.couchbase.posParamsQuery(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, params) yield queryResult

Executes a N1QL statement with positional parameters.

CALL apoc.couchbase.namedParamsQuery(hostOrKey, bucket, statement, paramNames, paramValues) yield queryResult

Executes a N1QL statement with named parameters.

Copy these jars into the plugins directory:

(Tested with CB Enterprise 5.5.3, note that CB 6 is not yet supported)

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
cp target/dependency/java-client-2.5.9.jar target/dependency/core-io-1.5.2.jar target/dependency/rxjava-1.3.8.jar $NEO4J_HOME/plugins/

To interact with Couchbase you can define the host on which to connect to as the first parameter of the procedure (with bucket as second parameter, document_id as third parameter):

CALL apoc.couchbase.get('couchbase://Administrator:password@localhost', 'default', 'artist:vincent_van_gogh')

Otherwise you can use configuration properties in the same way as MongoDB. For example, you can add the following properties to the neo4j.conf file:

apoc.couchbase.mykey.uri=host1,host2,host3 // here you can define more than one hostname if you're using a cluster
apoc.couchbase.mykey.port=8091 // the bootstrapHttpDirectPort (optional)
CALL apoc.couchbase.get('mykey', 'default', 'artist:vincent_van_gogh')

You can also define some CouchbaseEnvironment parameters in the neo4j.conf:


In order to get an in-depth description of these configuration params please refer to the Official Couchbase Documentation