Interface ReactiveExecutableResultStatement

All Superinterfaces:
ExecutableStatement, ReactiveExecutableStatement

public interface ReactiveExecutableResultStatement extends ReactiveExecutableStatement
This interface extends ReactiveExecutableStatement and adds several fetchWithXXX methods that can be used with any ResultStatement to retrieve their results in a reactive fashion.

The same requirements for the needed classes apply as with ReactiveExecutableStatement.

Michael J. Simons
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default org.reactivestreams.Publisher<org.neo4j.driver.Record>
    fetchWith(org.neo4j.driver.reactivestreams.ReactiveQueryRunner queryRunner)
    Fetches a publisher of records from a database via the given queryRunner in a reactive fashion.
    <T> org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>
    fetchWith(org.neo4j.driver.reactivestreams.ReactiveQueryRunner queryRunner, Function<org.neo4j.driver.Record,T> mappingFunction)
    Fetches a publisher of things from a database via the given queryRunner in a reactive fashion.

    Methods inherited from interface org.neo4j.cypherdsl.core.executables.ExecutableStatement

    executeWith, executeWith, getCypher, getParameterNames, getParameters

    Methods inherited from interface org.neo4j.cypherdsl.core.executables.ReactiveExecutableStatement

  • Method Details

    • fetchWith

      <T> org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T> fetchWith(org.neo4j.driver.reactivestreams.ReactiveQueryRunner queryRunner, Function<org.neo4j.driver.Record,T> mappingFunction)
      Fetches a publisher of things from a database via the given queryRunner in a reactive fashion. The mappingFunction is used for converting records into a custom types.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the returned objects
      queryRunner - Any type of reactive query runner. Neither sessions nor transactions will be closed.
      mappingFunction - A mapping function.
      A publisher of objects.
    • fetchWith

      default org.reactivestreams.Publisher<org.neo4j.driver.Record> fetchWith(org.neo4j.driver.reactivestreams.ReactiveQueryRunner queryRunner)
      Fetches a publisher of records from a database via the given queryRunner in a reactive fashion.
      queryRunner - Any type of reactive query runner. Neither sessions nor transactions will be closed.
      A publisher of records.