Class TemporalLiteral

All Implemented Interfaces:
Visitable, Expression, Literal<TemporalAccessor>

@API(status=STABLE, since="2021.1.0") public final class TemporalLiteral extends Object
A literal representing a temporal value to be formatted in a way that Neo4j's Cypher understands it.
Michael J. Simons
  • Field Details

    • content

      protected final TemporalAccessor content
      The content of this literal.
  • Method Details

    • asString

      @NotNull public @NotNull String asString()
      Description copied from interface: Literal
      The string representation should be designed in such a way the a renderer can use it correctly in the given context of the literal, i.e. a literal containing a string should quote that string and escape all reserved characters.
      A string representation to be used literally in a cypher statement.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from interface: Visitable
      Most visitables will render themselves into a Cypher fragment preceded with the actual classname. The representation however is not cached - in contrast to the ones for full statements. Using toString is recommended for debugging purposes mainly, and not for production use.

      The concrete classname has been prepended to help debugging and actually to discourage using fragments to build queries without explicitly rendering them, either as statement or going through the renderer on purpose.

      Specified by:
      toString in interface Visitable
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of this visitable formatted as Classname{cypher=value}
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object